The Swedish organization for the Right to Die in Dignity

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The organization in Sweden for the right to die in dignity is named RTVD - Rätten Till en Värdig Död - which literally means/reads: The Right to a Dignified Death. The RTVD organization was established in 1974. Still there is not yet a law in Sweden that allows medical aid in dying.

It is, however, legal for a person, a family member or a friend, to be present - and in that respect help and assist - when a person commits suicide - without having to try to stop him/her. 

We regret to inform you that RTVD has no paid staff who may be asked to assist in matters of committing suicide in Sweden. 

If you need to contact us - please write a mail (in English) to  - 

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To read this site in English use this link: Translation (Google)


In case you wish lots of news and information in English about what's going on in the world in our field, you can visit the World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies in this net address:    

You may also find links to various news in English about euthanasia in countries outside Sweden - under the heading next to this one, named "Omvärlden" ("The world around")

Noted - in 2022: 
Medical aid in dying is legal in Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Austria plus Canada and Colombia. 
It is also legal in many US states: Oregon, Montana, Vermont, Washington, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, New Mexico and Maine.
California is the largest US state,  with 12.8% of the US population. Total for all these states is about 70 million people. -

It is also legal in most of the Australian states - and in New Zealand.


Rätten Till en Värdig Död, Föreningshuset | Lumaparksvägen 7, Plan 7, 120 31 Stockholm | Tel 076-808 59 72
© 2016 - 2025 RTVD