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The organization in Sweden for the right to die in dignity is named RTVD - Rätten Till en Värdig Död - which literally means/reads: The Right to a Dignified Death. The RTVD organization was established in 1974. Still there is not yet a law in Sweden that allows medical aid in dying.
It is, however, legal for a person, a family member or a friend, to be present - and in that respect help and assist - when a person commits suicide - without having to try to stop him/her.
We regret to inform you that RTVD has no paid staff who may be asked to assist in matters of committing suicide in Sweden.
If you need to contact us - please write a mail (in English) to -
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In case you wish lots of news and information in English about what's going on in the world in our field, you can visit the World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies in this net address:
You may also find links to various news in English about euthanasia in countries outside Sweden - under the heading next to this one, named "Omvärlden" ("The world around")
Noted - in 2022:
Medical aid in dying is legal in Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Austria plus Canada and Colombia.
It is also legal in many US states: Oregon, Montana, Vermont, Washington, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, New Mexico and Maine.
California is the largest US state, with 12.8% of the US population. Total for all these states is about 70 million people. -
It is also legal in most of the Australian states - and in New Zealand.